Marketing SEO

How To Fix Disapproved Google Ads

How To Fix Disapproved Google Ads

Disapprovals of Google Ads are very common and based entirely on Google Advertising policies. They are the result of an automated review process that does not consider context as a person would. Ad disapprovals are annoying and can ruin an account for repeat offenders. Remember to always fix ad disapproval when it appears, and keep these common fixes in mind.

One of our client’s ads was getting rejected because the phone number mentioned was different from that on the landing page. We rectified it by mentioning the same number in the ad as well as on the landing page. Besides the phone number, the text mentioned in the ad was too long, we shortened it according to the character count policies of Google policies. These two changes made by us helped us to get more leads from the lead generation ads and helped the business to grow by 2 times. Punctuation marks mistakes such as word letter capitalisation and commas were also taken care of by using the appropriate format as recommended by Google. To correct the URL error, The display URL and destination URL was also corrected by using the same link.

Common Reasons for Ad Disapprovals in Google Ads

1. Your ad contains topic references that Google considers inappropriate

Avoid anything related to adult-oriented content, gambling, counterfeit goods, dangerous products (such as fireworks), and offensive content.

Google bans your ad or landing page which contains words, phrases, or images which show explicit, violent, or otherwise generally inappropriate content.

How to fix it:-The difficult part is that what may not appear sensitive to you may be sensitive to others. For example, senior living homes that provide Alzheimer’s disease care to patients may not want to mention the disease’s victims because doing so could be interpreted as exploiting the victim factor to drive clicks.

Instead, you can concentrate on the care they provide, which may be more neutral. On this one, you may need to tweak your headlines and descriptions.

2. Your advertisement mentions copyrighted content

If another company owns the rights to certain words, you will be penalized for using them. Find a synonym to replace it.

How to fix it:- If you have permission to use such content, you must submit copyrighted documentation from the original owner to prove your eligibility. On the other hand, if you see your own copyrighted content is being used incorrectly, you can file a complaint.

Otherwise, you should rethink your ad or ad extension text to remove any potentially copyrighted content.

3. In the ad text, you included your company’s business phone number

Google will ban ads with a phone number in the ad text, but you can use phone extensions to boost your Quality Scores and lower your CPCs.

How to fix it:-To encourage phone calls, use call extensions or call ads.

4. Your advertisement claims that your company is the best in business

These types of statements are not permitted in ad text unless supported by a third party.

How to fix it:-Instead, use a complementary tagline, such as “Customers Love Us!”

5. Your advertisement text is too long.

Remember that the headline can be up to 25 characters long, and each description line and display URL can be up to 35 characters long. The key is to keep the ads brief and to the point.

6. Your advertisement contains all-caps words

(For example, HUGE SALE – SHOP NOW). The only exception to this rule is when emphasizing a promotional code. (For example, 30% off with code SAVE30)

How to fix it:-While capitalizing the first letter of each word in your ad copy is still recommended, you should avoid using all uppercase—even for emphasis. If you have an essential portion of text, such as a coupon code or your brand name, feel free to request a capitalization review.

7. Your advertisement includes “trick-to-click” text

Any ad that includes the phrase “click here” in the ad text will be flagged immediately. Try a different call to action, such as “Buy Now!”

8. Your advertisement contains far too many exclamation points

Try not to get too excited about Google Ads. Remember that each ad can only have one exclamation point. Also, no exclamation points are permitted in the ad’s headline.

How to fix it:-Google Ads has its own guidelines that all text in ads should follow and be written taking care of the guidelines. This means laying off the excessive exclamation points for emphasis.

9. The display URL and the destination URL have different root domains.

According to Google policies, the root domain must be the same. You can’t, for example, use as the display URL and then use as the destination URL. the root domains must be consistent.

How to fix it:-It’s simple to resolve a destination mismatch disapproval! Determine which final URL all ads should point to, and ensure that every ad (yes, even the paused ones) in that ad group points to the same final URL path.

If you want to have multiple ads that go to different locations, you can do so. They will, however, need to be in different ad groups (or campaigns). Similarly, campaigns cannot have final URLs that point to two different domains. In short, campaigns can have differing final URLs within them, but ad groups cannot. Accounts can have ads that point to multiple domains, but campaigns cannot.

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