How Social Media Helps in SEO

One of our clients who deals in grocery items took our services regarding social media as well as SEO. We posted the refreshed website content on social media platforms which got indexing done very quickly and enabled double the clicks which mean better awareness amongst the target audience for the brand. The website ranking position improved and it showed on the 1st page for the precisely chosen keywords.
We followed social listening trends using various ORM tools which helped us to discover new keyword opportunities for social media profiles and SEO content ideas for the grocery brand. This helped us to know what people want to read about and follow now, and therefore what will get the ranking higher on the SERP page. With such strategies, the business flourished 3 times its previous level and the conversions also multiplied 2 times.
Social media has many great benefits independently but also helps other components of your digital marketing efforts which include SEO. Social media is not considered a ranking factor for SEO, hence it doesn’t directly help your ranking on search engines. There’s no direct ranking relation between social media and SEO, but the benefits of social media do help in the enhancement of SEO. If you’re trying to improve your SEO, it is especially important for you to spend time and energy on social media sideways along with SEO.

1. Improvise your content performance

Social media is a vital platform to share content related to the products and services offered by an organization or person. If you haven’t been using social media, you will be missing out on creating awareness and marketing your product to a huge target audience which could be tuned into your potential customers. Whenever you post content on your website, make it a point to share it on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, Twitter etc.
A lot of hard work and effort goes into creating content for a website, so make it a point to share it on social media platforms also as such platforms provide a much wider reach for your content. It is considered to be good if a mass amount of people are visiting your website as it provides better feedback and also improves your ranking on search engines.

2. More Opportunities to Gain Backlinks

The only reason to share content on social media is not just to bring traffic to your content. Social media increases the chance of likes because of the presence of a wide audience which could potentially like your content.
Backlinks are a major part of SEO. They signify to search engines that the audience can find the content on your website valuable while searching for information. Content can get a higher ranking if it’s useful to users.
If you have amazing content that’s worthy of backlinks, you must share them on social media platforms to get maximum views as well as backlinks. If the people who discovered your content through social media found it to be valuable, some of them might share it further.
Content can spread easily through social media, even if you have a nominal number of followers. All it takes in social media is one person sharing your link ahead for even more people to see it, and social media is a great place to get mass reach for your content from the audience.

3. Social Profiles Easily Rank for Search Terms

While how your website ranks on the SERP Page might be a big concern for your business, one should also pay attention to how your social media profiles rank.
People try to find your company using branded search terms, hence just like you have ranked your company’s brand name as a keyword, you can also rank your social profiles by combining brandable keywords along with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram as they too have a chance of ranking along with your website as they get indexed very quickly.
While the majority of people searching for your brand will want to visit the website, there will also be many who would want to see what your brand has to offer on social media platforms. Any company’s social media profiles can provide a different perspective to your organization by showcasing interesting and engaging content and also providing additional information for the interested people.

4. Bring More Traffic to Your Website

The ultimate goal in SEO is to enhance the visibility of your brand and increase visitors to your website. However, increasing your website’s rank on the SERP Page isn’t the only way of bringing more traffic to your website.
By staying active on social media and posting content relatable to your audience, you have the potential to bring in a huge amount of traffic to your website.
With the mass amount of people being present on social media today, there is definitely an assurance that your target audience is also a part of the masses being present on social media. So these people can discover your organization on social media. These are the people who may not have found your business through search results but can benefit from your products or services on social media.
If you’re an organization which is just getting started with SEO, social media can also help attract visitors sooner than search engines.
SEO can take a lot of months to start giving good results and while it’s worth the wait, you might not get the traffic you need right in the initial phase.
For businesses struggling to bring visitors to their website, using social media to attract visitors to your website could serve as the boost you need.

5. Good Social Media Profiles Build Trust

Investing time and effort in SEO helps to build trust among your audience. Most organizations have social media profiles these days, and audiences expect to see authentic and good-quality content there. Poor or nonexistent social media can make people dislike and scroll away from social media profiles.
If you’ve been using SEO to build trust with your target audience and boost your online reputation, social media can be an added bonus for your organization.
You can share the unique selling points and qualities of your products /services. Social media also enables you to engage easily with the target audiences and those interested in learning more.
Hence, SEO and social media both have their own advantages independently for businesses, but they’re even more effective when they support one another.

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