A new report on what will matter in 2023 has found some interesting things.

The SEO community of digital marketing agencies has left the State of Technical SEO Report 2023. What then is important in 2023? A brief summary of some of the most intriguing results can be found here.

Resources are crucial.

A lack of resources within the organization was the report’s biggest risk. When there aren’t enough resources, changes don’t happen or happen very slowly, which leads to poor SEO results. Therefore, prioritizing tasks will continue to be of the utmost significance if you work for a company that lacks resources.

Technology and tools that matter.

92% of technical SEOs said they used Google Search Console, making it the most popular tool overall. It was also the most popular tool for evaluating organic search rankings (78 percent).

Crawling and log file analysis were popular uses of the Screaming Frog SEO Spider. In the meantime, Semrush was the best option for determining a website’s search visibility.

Technical SEOs preferred to work on WordPress for non-eCommerce platforms. Work on Wix was regarded as the most challenging.

Time is crucial.

Unfortunately, 88% of respondents reported waiting between one month and more than 24 months for technical SEO changes to be implemented.

Possibly a little surprising: 22 percent said they waited less than a month for technical SEO changes to take effect. In the meantime, 20% reported waiting a year, which was slightly lower

than the previous year. Additionally, 11% of respondents said they had waited for at least 24

Important skills.

What ought to be a technical SEO’s top three skills? The respondents stated:

  • Reading and comprehending HTML/CSS (58%)
  • data analysis (72%)
  • Content strategy (39%)

It was unexpected to see content strategy ranked so highly. However, Steph Greaves emphasized

in the report’s comments:

“To fully comprehend internal linking opportunities that serve the user, it is definitely helpful to

know how content relates on a website.”

Marketing is technical SEO. has argued that SEO is marketing. It was pleasing to note that

marketing accounted for 74% of responses to this in-house-specific inquiry: Which team in your

the organization is responsible for technical SEO?

Go further. There is a great deal more to read. The complete, uncut report is as follows: Why we

care about the State of Technical SEO Report 2023. In general, this report is beneficial to our

sector. We clearly face challenges, the most significant of which is an uncertain economic

outlook. Additionally, numerous layoffs have occurred. However, the report’s findings that the

outlook for SEO is still relatively positive and that demand for SEO is still

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